Graduate and Postdoctoral Training Program

Beginning in July 2023, the Computational Neuroscience Center has a new National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-funded training program, Training in theoretical and computational approaches to neural circuits of cognition, with annual support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Projects must be related to an overarching theme of circuits of cognition. They should fit within the mission and goals of the NIMH. This program supports collaborative work between experimental and theoretical labs, and applicants are required to have identified a secondary mentor at the time of application (from the faculty list). Current UW graduate students and postdoctoral fellows working with a training grant faculty member are eligible to apply, regardless of degree program or primary department.

Awardees will receive up to 2 years of stipend support, as well as partial tuition for students, as well as a small allowance for supplies and travel. In addition to funding, awardees will also participate in exciting interdisciplinary training including:

  • Theory-driven experimental research design workshop
  • Regular workshops on best practices in theoretical neuroscience research and data management
  • Interdisciplinary mentoring committee to aid in research directions and professional development plan
  • Teaching and mentoring opportunities
  • Presentations opportunities at CNC events

Applications are now open and due December 1.

Please note that the CNTG is NOT a degree-granting program: students must be currently in a UW PhD program to apply.

Directors: Beth Buffalo, Adrienne Fairhall, Eric Shea-Brown

Training Program Faculty

Michael BruchasPharmacology
Bing BruntonBiology
Elizabeth BuffaloPhysiology and Biophysics
Charles ChavkinPharmacology
Adrienne FairhallPhysiology and Biophysics
Susan FergusonPsychiatry
Matt GolubCSE
Nathan KutzApplied Mathematics
Sheri MizumoriPsychology
Scott MurrayPsychology
John NeumaierPsychiatry
Amy OrsbornElectrical and Computer Engineering
Paul PhillipsPharmacology
Rajesh RaoComputer Science and Engineering
Ariel RokemPsychology
Eric Shea-BrownApplied Mathematics
Eli ShlizermanApplied Mathematics
Nick SteinmetzBiological Structure
Andrea StoccoPsychology
Azadeh Yazdan-ShahmoradElectrical and Computer Engineering
Edgar WalkerPhysiology and Biophysics
Garret StuberPharmacology
Daniela WittenStatistics
Larry ZweifelPsychiatry